Engineered wood products specialist Wyckham Blackwell has launched a new business supplying timber frame materials and services to self-builders.

WB Timber Innovations (WBTI), which has already completed two projects, provides integrated project management, design, supply and installation of complete timber frame or SIPs structural frames.

Wyckham Blackwell said it ws targeting an area of the construction market which was predicted to be “one of the best performers” in the next five years.

“Self-build is already described as the UK’s biggest housebuilder and is now predicted to double in size,” director David Himmons.

“The self-build finance sector is also forecast to take share from the overall UK mortgage market.”

Wyckham Blackwell itself has supplied trussed rafters, joists, roof systems and closed timber frame panels to the timber frame market for several years, but says that WBTI’s appeal will be in providing a comprehensive product and service package to the self-build market.

It has recruited Robert Evans, who previously worked in the building and contractor sectors, to head the new operation. It will work both direct with the self-builders, or with their architects. Most of its engineered wood products will be made in-house, although it will outsource some, including SIPs panels.

Mr Himmons said the company was targeting middle to upmarket properties in particular – “something with a wow factor, including big section glulam, vaulted beams or feature trusses, for instance”.