The latest WoodMac Asia timber technology show was a fifth bigger, both in attendance and exhibition space and, said the organisers, underlined China’s move into higher quality, more value-added timber processing.

The biennial exhibition, which took place in Shanghai from March 1-4, attracted a total of 16,730 visitors, a 22% rise on 2009. Most came from mainland China, but there was also an increase in overseas attendance to 1,950.

The improved visitor figures, said the organisers, “reflected a considerable upturn in the market from 24 months ago”.

The recovery in demand for stands boosted the exhbition area by 20% to a 35,000m². This was was largely accounted for by an increase in exhibitors from the European wood panel technology sector and from Chinese producers of everything from joinery, flooring and panel processing equipment to forestry machinery.

Europeans comprised the biggest overseas exhibitor contingent, with the wood technology associations of Germany and Italy, the VDMA and ACIMALL, both taking large pavilions.

The organisers said the success of the show demonstrated “beyond any doubt that the Chinese market for woodworking technology is back”.

It also highlighted that Chinese wood products companies had “matured”, were less fixated on price and “now recognise the benefits employing quality technology ”.