The wood trades and interior fit-out sectors will fare better than average in 2012, according to the latest CITB-ConstructionSkills five-year forecast.
The forecast says the wood trades/interior sectors will employ an estimated 263,290 workers in 2012, rising to 277,770 by 2016.
The report predicts construction output will fall by 3% during 2012, with a further 45,000 skilled workers lost.
By 2016, demand for painters and decorators is expected to be 6,300 below 2010 levels, while manual labourer numbers will dip by 3,000 and bricklayers by 2,500.
The greatest growth in demand is predicted for construction managers – up 30,000 by 2016.
The employment picture is positive for London and the south-east, while Northern Ireland is set to grow 2.1% over the five-year period.