UK wood recycling levels have more than doubled during the past three years to one million tonnes, according to new figures released by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

In a newly-published Achievements Report the organisation says it is directly responsible for 200,000 tonnes of the growth since starting its wood prgramme in 2001.

The result has been achieved through two successful grant funded projects – promoting recycling of furniture manufacturing waste and linking waste producers to recyclers through its online tool,

&#8220Our programme to 2006 will further accelerate investment in recycling through grant funding and we are looking forward to working with industry to grow wood recycling even more”

Tom Fourcade, head of WRAP’s wood programme

WRAP’s R&D programme, designed to tackle technical barriers to recycling, is expected to deliver another 500,000 tonnes of wood recycling in the future.

Tom Fourcade, head of WRAP’s wood programme, said: “Our programme to 2006 will also further accelerate investment in recycling through grant funding to be announced in the coming weeks and we are looking forward to working with industry to grow wood recycling even more.”