wood. for good has launched two competitions aimed at encouraging the use of timber.

The “Best loft conversion” project in the UK is aimed at builders and the winning builder will win a three-night break for two in Stockholm. The winning homeowner will receive a £500 Habitat voucher.

The project must have been completed between January 1, 2002 and October 31, 2003. Entries close on October 31 and the results will be announced in the December issue of Professional Builder.

The timber campaign has also teamed up with New Civil Engineer magazine to challenge young designers to come up with a design for a bridge using timber for the main structural elements. The bridge must be capable of supporting pedestrians and cyclists, but not cars or lorries.

The winning students and their tutor will win a trip to Norway to visit the Ås bridge and see timber being produced.

The competition has three categories covering children aged under 12 through to 19. Entries close on October 31 and the winners will be announced on December 1.