The Wood Awards 2009 presentations at the Carpenters’ Hall in the City of London on Wednesday attracted an audience of 170, including architects, designers, structural engineers, furniture makers and representatives of the timber sector.

The annual competition recognises achievement in the use of timber in construction, interiors and furniture production and this year had over 200 entries.

Compere for the evening, architectural author and journalist Ruth Slavid , described the overall quality as “splendid”, with the projects demonstrating “ingenuity, excellent execution and imagination”. Their use of timber, she added, was also genuine and not “lip service” to environmentalism.

Judges’ chairman Giles Downes also praised the high standard of entries. He announced that he is standing down from the judging panel after six years, handing over the chairmanship to Michael Morrison. He described his association with the Awards as an extraordinary experience and said that they were not just a celebration, but an inspiration for the architectural and design community.

The winner of the ultimate Gold Award was the Kings Place Concet Hall.

For the full list of winners see this week’s TTJ.