Next year’s Wood Awards will feature a new category devoted to British-made, bespoke furniture. And part of the necessary extra sponsorship is already in place.

“The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers has come in as its [the category’s] main sponsor – so we have their blessing and their money,” said Wood Awards organiser Michael Buckley, speaking at the Carpenters’ Company’s court luncheon in London on November 1.

The new award will recognise furniture of a quality that would stand alongside anything entered in the Wood Awards and, importantly, will engage the design and lifestyle press in the publicity for the overall Awards.

In the run-up to next year’s competition, the Wood Awards is in discussions with the American Hardwood Export Council over exhibiting at 100% Detail again and is looking at the feasibility of participating at three other exhibitions. “There are commercial opportunities for the timber trade in working with the Wood Awards at these exhibitions,” said Mr Buckley.