The timber was supplied by Wijma which employs many people in Kampen. Speaking at the official opening, the city mayor, Jan Oosterhof, highlighted the importance of FSC certification. “It will offer both Wijma in Holland and Wijma in Cameroon vast opportunities in the near future,” he added.

Also present at the opening was the Dutch Ambassador of Cameroon, Norbert Braakhuis. He stressed how important it was for developing countries to achieve legal and sustainable forest management and expressed his anger about illegal logging.

Mr Braakhuis said Wijma deserved support for achieving the first concession in Central Africa to be FSC certified, describing it as “an important step forward”.

George White of WWF Global Forest & Trade Network also congratulated Wijma for showing it is possible to reach high level certification in an area as difficult as Central Africa. “A step by step approach is the way to go’” he said, adding that he hoped Wijma would be the first of many to achieve such success.