The 2011 Tour de Jewson cycling marathon will launch on September 12 in a bid to raise money for Jewson’s ‘together’ charity partner Barnardo’s. This year over 150 members of staff, suppliers and customers will once more cycle a gruelling 1,800 miles from a number of start locations around the UK to reach the finish line at John O’Groats on September 24.

The Tour de Jewson was a huge success in 2010 raising over £21,000 for its then charity partner. This year participants will take part to raise funds for Jewson’s new ‘together’ charity partner Barnardo’s, which supports over 100,000 children, young people and their families every year.

During the two-week challenge, Jewson will be holding an event to mark the mid-way route at its head office in Binley on September 15. The event will include a static bike challenge hosted by Mick Ives, a former cycle-cross world champion and his MI Racing team, who will be on hand to encourage attendees to jump in the saddle for charity.

This year, Peter Hindle MBE, managing director of Jewson will once again take on one of the northern legs in the tour. He has already taken part in the gruelling La Marmotte cycling challenge through the French Alps earlier this year raising £15,000 for Barnardo’s.

Since its launch in 2002, Jewson’s ‘together’ charity programme has raised over £2m for some great causes including the British Heart Foundation, Great Ormond Street, Cancer Research UK and Help the Hospices.

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