Weyerhaeuser is repositioning its Medite MDF brand to meet market demand for its products.

Medite, which was first introduced to the UK nearly 30 years ago, is produced in Clonmel, Ireland where annual output tops 400,000m3.

There has been continuous heavy investment in research and development and state-of-the-art equipment resulting in greater refinement and versatility in the composition and dimension of the MDF produced.

There are now a number of specialised versions of Medite MDF including flame-retardant, moisture-resistant and exterior.

&#8220The world of MDF has moved on, with a lot of investment going on in the background, and we now want to reposition Medite in the market in line with that change”

Weyerhaeuser Europe marketing and sales director Geoff Rhodes

Weyerhaeuser Europe marketing and sales director Geoff Rhodes said some products had now been renamed and repositioned in line with European classifications such as Medite FR – a flame retardant MDF.

Standard and lightweight MDF have been rebranded as Medite Premier while Medite Ecologique is the new name for zero-added formaldehyde MDF.

“We have looked at the entire product range and at what the market needs. The world of MDF has moved on, with a lot of investment going on in the background, and we now want to reposition MDF in the market in line with that change,” said Mr Rhodes.