Nearly 80 people attended the Forestry & Timber Association’s (F&TA) first “level playing field” debate in Wales.

The event, in Llandrindodd on October 31, was based on the F&TA’s discussion paper “A level playing field for forestry” and included talks on agriculture/forestry, wood recycling, forestry/society, plus the relationship between the state and private forestry.

Wales F&TA chairman Tim Kirk summed up: “A worthwhile debate, and an essential first step for a better future in our industry.”

Melanie Siggs of UPM explained Shotton Paper’s conversion to recycled fibre but many delegates questioned the real environmental benefits of the change. F&TA chairman Robert Scott said the private sector, as well as the Forestry Commission, needed to consider restructuring proposals in the Macdonald report.

Further debates are being held in Perth on November 28 and London on December 2. Responses will be used to formulate a policy document to press for a better deal for forestry.