The US’s imports of tropical lumber from January to November 2009 were down by almost a half on year-to-date volumes in 2008, according to the ITTO.
In November last year, year-to-date lumber imports of balsa were 49,500m³ (down 29%), ipé was down to 16,300m³ (down 55%), while mahogany imports fell to 14,400m³ (down 48%).
Acajou and sapeli lumber imports were also down, by 70% and 54% respectively and the only specie to hold relatively steady was teak, at 5,400m³ – an 8% drop on the previous year.
However, according to the ITTO, tropical lumber supply and demand were better balanced in the US at the start of 2010 and volumes are unlikely to fall any further. Prices should also be more stable.