The US government has appointed 19 representatives to the first national Softwood Lumber Board.

The board has been set up following the creation of the Softwood Lumber Research, Promotion, Consumer Education and Industry Information Order, under which large lumber manufacturers will pay a levy on their shipments to fund a softwood promotion programme.

Domestic manufacturers and importers who ship 15 million board ft or more annually will pay an assessment rate of 35 cents per thousand board ft beginning on January 1, 2012.

“These appointees represent a cross-section of the industry, and bring a wealth of diverse perspectives and backgrounds to the board,” said US Department of Agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack.

“I am confident that manufacturers, importers and others in the softwood lumber supply chain will be well served by them.”

The first board meeting will be held in Chicago on November 29-30.

Research and promotion programmes are industry-driven initiatives funded through member assessments and administered by board members selected by the agriculture secretary.