More than 100 forest experts from around the world were in Wellington, New Zealand last week taking part in a three-day United Nations forum on planted forests.

The forum, hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, was part of a UN process for building consensus about sustainable forest management.

Opening the event, New Zealand’s prime minister Helen Clark said: “We believe that the current unsustainable use of resources cries out for urgent action on a global scale. While no one nation can resolve the problems, all nations, no matter how small, must be part of their resolution.”

&#8220While no one nation can resolve the problems, all nations, no matter how small, must be part of their resolution.”

Helen Clark, New Zealand prime minister.

Forestry expert Professor Julian Evans of the UK said the timetable for development of a new international policy agenda meant the Wellington meeting was “probably the last major opportunity to ensure planted forests have a strong place on that agenda”.