To help architects and specifiers meet the revised Building Regulations using timber frame, the UK Timber Frame Association (UKTFA) has published a document – Fuel and Power Conservation – Part L/J/F Guidelines.

The guidance notes, which have been financially supported by wood. for good and were produced in consultation with the Building Research Esatablishment, are the first of an occasional technical series which UKTFA plans to publish.

The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) said: “All designers who are specifying and detailing timber frame construction will find this book to be an authoritative and useful reference tool. The RIAS has no hesitation in recommending it. Indeed these guidance notes on Parts L/J/F Regulations would be a useful addition to any architect’s technical library.”

Copies, costing £25 each, are available from UKTFA on 01259 272140.