Members of the UK Forest Products Association (UKFPA) have rejected a merger with the Confederation of Forest Industries (ConFor).

At an extraordinary general meeting on February 15, UKFPA members voted 26-23 against an amalgamation.

ConFor said the decision was a blow for the move to create a single, strong, united organisation representing Britain’s forest industries.

ConFor chairman Tony Willis said: “I am disappointed in the result of the UKFPA general meeting, but respect the right of the membership to have their say on such an important decision. I remain convinced of the case for a fully integrated ConFor, and of the benefits that it can bring to the industry.”

A straw poll of the 81 UKFPA members last November resulted in 34-27 votes in favour of a merger.

A successful vote would have triggered the merger of the Forestry and Timber Association (F&TA) into ConFor. F&TA members overwhelmingly agreed to almagamate into ConFor in May last year.

ConFor’s executive council will meet soon to agree on its way forward.