The Timber Trade Federation (TTF) is updating the way it provides information to members about the forest related business environment in UK supplier countries.

The objective of the new “Country Reports”, previously “National Forest Policies” and country information, is to tell members about positive legal or sustainable forest management developments abroad.

Together with individual supplier information, they will provide baseline advice to help members assess purchasing risk and the likelihood of being accused of trading in illegal timber from particular countries.

The reports will contain information on patterns of certification, forest laws and regulations, law enforcement standards, levels of corruption, forestry trends and NGO activity.

Located in the members room on the TTF website, the reports so far cover Brazil, Burma/Myanmar, Finland, Latvia, Russia and Vietnam. Members are being encouraged to add their experiences, views and concerns.

The TTF says there are many positive private sector developments, while service providers which help forest operators comply with UK market demands, such as SGS and Tropical Forests Trust, are also expanding.