The duty rates will become applicable to customs entries made on or from 1 January 2021 when the UK formally exits the EU. The changes for the new UK Global Tariff within Chapter 44 for Wood and Wood Products are as follows:
- No increases in duty rates and no changes to products currently subject to 0% duty
- Duty rates of 10% remain unchanged
- Duty rates of 7% will be simplified down to 6%
- Duty rates below 6% have been reduced in most cases to 0%
- GSP reductions where applicable should still apply but details are yet to be published.
A response from the Timber Trade Federation states “What is not yet clear is whether imports from EU countries will be subject to these duty rates, or if there will be a formal UK/EU trade agreement retaining the current duty-free status or amending these rates in some way.”
“The TTF welcomes the greater clarity provided by the UK Government in this document on the UK Global Tariff. However, we remain concerned about the effect of a potential no-deal Brexit on imports from the EU.”
Information regarding the Coniferous Plywood Quota has not yet been released.
Click here to read the latest government tariff information