The Timber Trade Federation (TTF) has welcomed proposals from the Forestry Commission to reduce the frequency of inspection of maple from North America.

Under the proposals, inspection checks will be undertaken on 35% of imports from Canada and 75% from America in line with minimum European Commission levels, “in order to reduce the cost burden to the industry”.

Plant health check fees will also be changed, with Canadian and American consignments of up to 100m3 subject to charges of £4.29 and £9.19 respectively, down from the current fee of £12.25.

The Forestry Commission is currently undertaking a consultation on the proposals, which is open to TTF and British International Freight Association members until October 19.

“The Forestry Commission has put in the necessary work at EU level to reduce the inspections required on maple from North America,” said Nick Boulton, TTF head of technical and trade policy.

“The TTF will be sending a positive response on behalf of the National Hardwoods division as recognition of the Forestry Commission’s efforts.”

The proposals and consultation documents can be found on the Forestry Commission website,