Getting credible evidence on the origin of timber and timber products was a key message to Chinese plywood and flooring producers during The Timber Trade Federation‘s (TTF) six-day road show to China.

The visit, which was designed to enhance communications between Europe and the Far East, took in factory tours and company visits in Shanghai and Pizhou and allowed European companies the opportunity to tell Chinese plywood and flooring suppliers what environmental action they need to take to ensure their products are accepted in to the European market. This includes using timber from known and legal sources, and using schemes such as the Timber Trade Action Plan to verify their supply chains.

The event also gave Chinese manufacturers the opportunity to demonstrate the steps they have already taken to improve their sourcing and use of environmentally friendly products.

“The road show event gave the Chinese timber industry an opportunity to demonstrate that some enterprises are already on the right path by taking steps to ensure that the wood they use comes from legal sources,” said Zhu Guang Qian, chairman of China Timber Distribution Association.

“It is important to show the European market that some Chinese producers are concerned with sustainability and taking actions to control our wood sourcing.”

“Chinese imports are very important to the UK market and opening the dialogue now has paved the way for a long and successful partnership,” said TTF chief executive John White.