The monthly volume was also the fourth highest total since 2000.

Total volumes for all the main timber and panel products were up 4.1% in the first five months, compared to 2011, with solid wood imports increasing by 9% and panels down by 5%.

In softwood, Irish imports have grown around 20% to give a 7% share of the market while an 18% growth for Sweden maintans its share above 50%.

German volumes fell 17% and Russian shipments were down by 7%. Total softwood imports (to the end of May) were 2.1 million m3.

Harwood imports continue to run ahead of last year and have reached 193,000m3, with each of the three leading supplier countries – the US, Italy and Cameroon – increasing volumes by around 3,000m3.

Plywood imports grew 3.7% in the first five months to 554,000m4, with hardwood ply shipments up 10% to 378,000m3.

China cemented its lead as the top hardwood ply supplier and held a 54% market share at the end of May. Latvia and Uruguay registered substantial growth during the period.

Softwood ply exports fell 7.6%, with Brazil and Finland increasing their market share. China and Chile saw their volumes decrease by 27% and 21% respectively.