The Timber Trade Federation (TTF) urged prime minister Tony Blair to stand firm on G8 commitments to fight illegal logging.

In a strongly-worded letter, sent to Mr Blair shortly before the G8 meeting in Gleneagles on July 6-8, TTF president John Tong urged him to “resist” US pressure to water down commitments made at an earlier G8 meeting in March, including utilising public procurement policies to stimulate demand for legal timber from well-managed sources.

Mr Tong also expressed concern that the media emphasis on Africa would result in less robust discussions about illegal logging.

He outlined the TTF’s work to eradicate the illegal trade, including a workshop programme in four African countries which aims to educate suppliers about the requirements of EU markets for legal timber.

Mr Tong said: “There is clearly the will within the G8, apart from the United States, to take firm measures to combat the trade in illegal logs at both ends of the supply chain. It would be a real testament to the UK presidency if that will translated into firm action across the globe.”