"Over recent years the TTF has grown in terms of its robust commercial outlook, and membership has doubled since 2005," Mr King said.

He added that through the Responsible Purchasing Policy the TTF had restored the reputation of the timber trade.
"The work the TTF does is very imortant; it’s well worth joining," he said.

Also at the dinner, the WTA presented its inaugural award in recognition of the work of students at Bristol University. The award, assessed by TRADA university liaison officer Liz Turner, was won by Christopher Kennedy; the runner-up was Rebecca Ellis.

The WTA hopes that in future the award will be extended to the University o the West of England.

"The trade needs to promote timber to future customers," said WTA chairman David Dallimore.

A record 207 guests attended the dinner, which was sponsored by James Latham.

A raffle and auction raised £2,300 for the Timber Trades’ Benevolent Society.