The sign-up deadline for the Timber Trade Federation‘s (TTF) Responsible Purchasing Policy (RPP) has been extended to June 30 to give more traders an opportunity to join.

Companies enlisting in the second half of the year will only be able to start the scheme in 2006.

Policy changes, recommended by the RPP project group, have also been approved by Forests Forever‘s executive board, including the requirement for a 100% preliminary screening of all suppliers before questionnaires are sent out.

The move, designed to identify high risk suppliers, means certified material need only be covered by valid chain of custody documentation from approved schemes.

Questionnaires will have to be sent out to a minimum of 50% (by volume) of non-certified suppliers in the first year of RPP implementation.

The TTF will distribute 20,000 RPP promotional flyers at the end of March to governments, politicians, architects and specifiers, large developers, NGOs, trade associations and other core industries.

RPP key documents are also soon to be available in different languages, while presentations will be made to membership areas and organisations including the Institute of Wood Science, American Hardwood Export Council, British Woodworking Federation and the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply.