Timber’s market share in the UK is held back by three things – the industry’s reputation, its fragmentation and money, according to Timber Trade Federation chief executive John White.

Speaking at the International and UK Suppliers’ Division lunch in London last week, Mr White said the industry had suffered from the “constant focus” on tropical deforestation, a lack of cohesiveness and a lack of funding.

However, the environmental debate was a “tremendous opportunity” and the TTF should use timber’s environmental credentials mercilessly in its political campaigning.

Mr White praised Forests Forever, which he described as “one of the most apposite industry initiatives I have come across” and added that, while he was aware of the debates around the TTF’s proposed Responsible Purchasing Policy, “if we are to rely on our environmental credentials to grow our market, then we must be able to prove them”.

The TTF staff wanted the organisation to be one of the best trade associations in the country and this, in part, would address the industry’s lack of money for promotion.

“If we can demonstrate value for money I believe when we ask for money to expand our generic promotion we will get it,” said Mr White. “I would certainly like to play a part in buildng on the excellent work of wood. for good.”

And with regards the industry’s fragmentation, Mr White said the TTF could be the catalyst for bringing the industry together.

“The need to do this is a widely held view and steps are already being taken to bring industry interests together,” he said.