The ATIBT (International Technical Tropical Timber Association) and CIRAD Forest – which carries out agricultural research for developing countries – have joined forces to organise a “tropical timber” training course.

The course will be carried out in modules based on the ATIBT’s grading rules for logs and sawn timber, wood identification and anatomy, and commercial contracts – and this will be followed by the ATIBT examination.

The first training session will be a tropical wood and environmental subjects training course, covering sustainable forest management, social and wildlife aspects, trade and the technical advantages of certification on September 14-15.

African log and sawn timber grading courses will run on October 11-22, followed by “Know and recognise tropical wood” on November 16-17.

A South American sawn timber grading course is scheduled for February 28-March 4 next year and a log and sawn timber grading course will be held in either Gabon or Cameroon by the end of 2004, beginning of 2005.