The DTI has awarded TRADA Technology Ltd a further £49,000 towards follow-up research on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the timber industry.

The funding, under the Partners in Innovation Programme, will help TRADA Technology‘s Business Solutions Group identify specific KPIs for merchants and distributors, and includes a high-profile marketing campaign in 2004 to encourage companies to participate.

The campaign will involve a series of presentations and talks at trade events throughout the year, as well as direct contact with firms.

The group is currently setting up network groups to test performance against KPIs identified in the first phase of research and gather new data for further development. Previous research identified customer satisfaction as the most important measure for all industry sectors, with productivity and accident management also important for manufacturers.

&#8220The primary benefit of benchmarking using KPIs is that measurable action can be taken as a result. And the outputs can be used as part of a company’s marketing and promotional activity ”

Philip Becker, TRADA Technology

Philip Becker, who will lead the project for TRADA Technology, said: “The primary benefit of benchmarking using KPIs is that measurable action can be taken as a result. And the outputs can be used as part of a company’s marketing and promotional activity.”

The Timber Trade Federation, Builders Merchants Federation, British Woodworking Federation and the Trussed Rafter Association are partners in the project.