The event, at the Royal Geographical Society, aims to unite the industry to improve the sector’s knowledge about building with timber.

Industry experts will gather for a day of talks, Q&As and energetic debate, aimed at everyone – from architects and engineers to suppliers and clients.

Four central sessions will dominate the day’s proceedings and attempts to unite inspirational case studies with practical hands-on guidance where high-performance is critical.

Planned talks and discussions will consider the Macallan Distillery, arguably one of the most complex timber structures ever built in the UK.

The potential of timber design guides, such as TRADA’s National Structural Timber Specification (NSTS), will also be shared, as well as current issues affecting the timber industry and practical solutions to them.

Correctly designing timber structures in relation to fire safety and durability is also covered.

“The Better Timber Buildings conference is about switching tack,” said TRADA’s marketing manager, Rupert Scott.

“Timber’s popularity continues to grow but now, more than ever, we need to look further and begin taking our timber buildings to the next level. This means aspiring to do a better job right through the chain – from specification to completion – and the best way to start is collectively.”