Mr Paemeleire takes on the position of Kebony Group CEO from Jean-Baptiste Clavel following a period of interim leadership.   

He joins Kebony with 20 years of international experience dedicated to business transformation. His previous executive roles include leadership of Belgian-based Incendin, where he was responsible for the implementation of new market strategies, organic and acquisitional growth, and organisational integrations, all while driving sustainable agendas.   

’I am excited to join the Kebony team at a pivotal time for the global construction industry,” said Mr Paemeleire. “I look forward to continuing the delivery of Kebony’s beautiful and sustainable products around the world, ensuring a positive contribution for generations to come.‘’ 

‘’On behalf of Kebony and our main shareholders Investinor, Jolt Capital, Lightrock and PMV NV, we are delighted to welcome Tom Paemeleire as CEO,” said Jean-Marc Daillance, chairman of the board. “He brings substantial experience in growth and transformation from different industries with a key focus on sustainability. We would also like to thank Jean-Baptiste for his continued efforts and the excellent work carried out as our transitional CEO.”