A review of the ISPM 15 regulations – which govern treatment of wood packaging to reduce the risk of forest pests spreading – will take place in 2013 and could see all movements of timber pallets within the EU fall subject to the regulations.

This could mean movements within an EU country, as well as between EU countries. Timcon president John Dye said the European wood pallet and packaging industry was well prepared to roll out increased capacity improvements in heat treatment capacity to cater for an increased demand for ISPM 15-compliant products.

“The UK is an island and we believe a significant proportion of the movement of timber pallets and packaging manufactured here remains in the country,” said Mr Dye.

“We therefore believe a dispensation is justified, and we will be lobbying hard to have this recognised when ISPM 15 regulations are reviewed.”

He said an ISPM 15 extension would represent an additional cost and complexity for the UK timber packaging industry.