A further £2.5m investment in Scotland’s forestry sector will help limit the impact of timber transport on Scotland’s rural roads.

The boost means the Strategic Timber Transport Fund has now committed more than £14m to projects that over the next 10 years will remove 500,000 lorry loads (12.6 million tonnes) of timber from Scotland’s rural road network.

Projects to win funding include the development of new in-forest haul routes, the creation of links between the forests to seas, rail loading facilities and improvements to the strategic road network.

A £250,463 upgrade to 14.5km of in-forest road will provide access to four landlocked forests and divert around 10,000 lorry loads.

The Craik Timber Haul Project will receive £1.15m to help remove 60,000 lorry loads from local villages during the next 10 years.