The future direction of the timber pallet and packaging sector has been debated at a Timber Packaging and Pallet Confederation (TIMCON) conference at BSW Timber’s Carlisle mill.

Timcon president John Dye said the event featured “open discussion” between a number of companies, including sawmillers, timber importers and manufacturers.

“We have had a very traumatic period with severe timber shortages and steep price increases,” he said.

He said the sector had experienced problems with passing on price increases to customers and discussion included how the industry could better cope with the situation in the future.

The conference, which followed a similar earlier Timcon event at Howie Forest Products, started off with two presentations by BSW giving an overview of the forestry and log market in central Scotland and northern England.

BSW Timber’s director of sales and marketing Alan Wheat described the event as a “productive” conference attended by the principle figures in the UK’s timber packaging sector.