Plimsoll Publishing has updated its analysis on the timber sector after its last report prompted a “backlash” from companies.

Plimsoll said it had received an “overwhelming” response to its last report in June and July, which had warned that a record number of timber merchants and importers were in danger due to the current economic climate. It said a quarter of firms were at risk of failure and 2,257 jobs could be lost.

“Feedback Plimsoll received from the original publication was that in general, companies were not experiencing too much difficulty in retaining sales,” said Plimsoll.

“This is borne out in the updated analysis that puts current market growth at a respectable 9%. However, this is down from the previous year’s 11%.”

It also said 798 of the 1,000 companies analysed are holding or increasing sales on last year.

However, Plimsoll said worrying trends still remained, including 23% of companies selling at a loss and 41% of firms making less profit than last year.