TRADA and wood for good have joined forces to produce a series of timber information sheets for general builders.
The Choose & Use documents cover treated timber, wood-based sheet materials, timber species and storing timber and wood-based products on building sites.
They are available in an electronic format for TRADA and wood for good members, and can be customised with a company’s contact details before being printed out and handed to customers over the counter. Pre-printed versions are also available through both organisations.
“We found that busy builders want to check in with the latest thinking about working with timber,” said wood for good project manager Tony Traynor.
“The main aim is to support merchants’ timber sales and provide reliable advice for their customers,” said Jeremy Vibert, TRADA information service manager.
A further nine sheets are being developed and will be released throughout the year, looking at decking, engineered wood products, fire doors and components, external wood cladding, using timber for structural work – roofing, doors and windows, fixings for wood, timber strengths and spans and sourcing sustainable timber.