Moving freight by water will be the theme of a one day “Think Water!”conference to be held in Hull in March.

Organised by Sea and Water, a government-sponsored, industry-led organisation which covers the UK water freight industry, including short-sea, coastal and inland waterway operations, the conference aims to demonstrate industry, government and European perspectives on moving freight by water.

As well as a full day programme with leading speakers from the water freight and logistics industry, the event will include a tour of the water freight facilities in the Humber region on February 28, the day before the conference.

The organisers are hoping to have a senior government minister as keynote speaker at the March 1 event at Kingston Communications Stadium, Hull.

The Humber ports handle more than 40,000 ship movements and more than £500m is being invested in their infrastructure. The tour will bring visitors up to date with recent developments, investment plans and current building activity.