Xylexpo oganiser Acimall has announced the return of Cefla Finishing Group to the Milan show and signalled the imminent return of several manufacturers in the SCM group.

The news heralds an end to the several years of stand-off between three companies – Biesse, Cefla and SCM – and Xylexpo organisers, in which the former trio boycotted the Milan show in favour of Technodomus in Rimini. Biesse announced its return to Xylexpo before Christmas.

TTJ contacted Technodomus organiser Rimini Fiera following Cefla’s decision and was told by project manager Marco Cecchini that the planned event on April 9-12 had been cancelled "due to the market situation and some problems with sales".

He said the decision of Biesse and Cefla not to exhibit at Technodomus was a factor.

But he stressed that ongoing dialogue with the industry was continuing and that Technodomus could return in 2015 or 2016.

Dario Corbetta, director of Xylexpo organiser, told TTJ that he was 100% certain that several machinery brands within the SCM Group would sign up for Xylexpo in the next week. He expressed confidence that SCM brands such as CMS and Balestrini would be among those being announced as coming to Milan.

Mr Corbetta said restoration of Xylexpo’s relationship with Cefla provided a new opportunity to reaffirm the role of the Milan exhibition as a showcase of Italian technology.

"Cefla is back at Xylexpo where we believe we will find an international stage to present the results of our continuous efforts in innovation and product development," said Alberto Maestri, Cefla sales and marketing director.

However, despite the return of big names, Mr Corbetta told TTJ that the difficult Italian economy did not necessarily mean Xylexpo 2014 was going to be much bigger than two years ago. Current projections are for three or four exhibition halls at the Rho Fairgrounds.

He said many companies were waiting before committing to exhibit, so he expected a more realistic picture to emerge nearer the event.