The Timber and Brick Information Council (TBIC) has gone on the offensive to combat the Traditional Housing Bureau (THB) campaign which, it claims, attempts to discredit timber frame building.

The TBIC maintains the THB, which has been targeting local and regional newspapers and trade press, promoting brick and block over timber frame housing, is not neutral as it is allied with the concrete and breeze block makers.

A strategy to counter the attack has been drawn up by the TBIC’s marketing committee. Member Barry Lane, managing director of Taylor Lane Timber Frame Ltd, said : ‘The block manufacturers have been putting out bad press about timber frame for some time. Enough is enough and now it is time to defend our corner. We need to make measured responses to these allegations and say why they don’t stand up – otherwise people will accept they are correct.’

The TBIC also plans to publish a newsletter addressing the issues. Five thousand copies will be printed and it will go to builders, housing associations and its own members.

David Scott, technical director at the TBIC, said: ‘The THB attack on timber frame is based on technically fatuous grounds. We are fighting fire with fire.’

Alan Tovey, secretary of the THB, said his organisation had stepped up activity in the past year – but not in response to anything in particular.

He added: ‘We promote the benefits of brick and block – something that is supported by public opinion.’