Tanzania’s forestry industry is protesting at government moves to sell a teak concession at a fraction of its market value.
Objections from the Tanzania Association of Foresters centre on the government’s plans to sell 1,709ha in the Longuza Teak Plantation to the Kilombero Valley Teak Company, which is jointly owned by the Commonwealth Development Corporation and Finnish firm Finn Fund.
Foresters claim the 270,000m3 of timber should be sold for US$38m, not the US$14m price it believes is being paid.
They say the sale lacks transparency and are calling for a new forest inventory and competitive bidding.
The alleged sale price values the teak at US$50 per m3, compared to the local domestic price of US$140.
Longuza, planted 30 years ago, is the largest teak plantation in Tanzania and would become the first concession forest plantation in the country.