Snows sales and marketing director Mark Bowers said the BMF represented "the integrated heart of the construction supply chain".

"Timber is an important link in that chain but it’s one link amongst many," he said. "The BMF provides a consolidated forum for promoting the health of the construction sector through its mix of supplier and merchant members. It plays a key role in keeping Britain building."

Snows Timber has also pledged its support for the BMF’s Wellness Campaign, which aims to improve the fitness and health of merchants’ staff.

"We all need to recognise how our well-being affects those we work with and the functioning of our organisations," Mr Bowers said.
"Being even a little more active can ring both personal and business benefits. As an Investors in People employer, Snows Timber wants to encourage everyone – staff and customers – to help themselves to a longer, healthier life."

BMF managing director John Newcomb said he was pleased to welcome Snows Timber to the federation.

"We’re doubly pleased that Snows is engaging with the BMF’s Wellness Campaign by encouraging merchants to be more active," he said.

Snows, which sponsors the drinks after the TTJ Awards, is also sponsoring the new Timber Centre of the Year category in the Builders Merchants Awards for Excellence.