SmartPly and Medite panel products have been used by students at Kingston University to provide visitors to the 2012 Olympic Games with a sustainable eating experience.

Second-year students from the Product and Furniture Design course were tasked with designing furniture, environments, facilities or point-of-sale units from the board types for leading brands, which are expected to target the nine million people estimated to attend the event.

The winning designs included a Twinings tea service area made from SmartPly OSB, a bicycle-powered Organic Fresh Garden smoothie maker made from Medite Exterior MDF and an EAT. dining area built from a combination of the two boards.

An Innocent Smoothie crate and Planet Organic punnet were also highly commended for their attention to detail and clean-cut appearance respectively.

“It has been a privilege to see the inspired enthusiasm of students who 12 weeks ago knew little about food service facilities at the Olympics and less about OSB and MDF,” said Geoff Rhodes, competition judge and marketing and business development director at SmartPly and Medite’s parent company Coillte Panel Products.