European OSB production is forecast to grow at an annual rate of 10% between 2008-12, according to a new report.

“OSB and OSL in the Pacific Rim and Europe 2008-12”, published by Australian market research and forecasting company BIS Shrapnel, says output in Europe will reach 5.8 million m3 by 2012.

Its projections show annual growth of 33% in Russia, 9% in Romania, 9% in Latvia, 4% in the Czech Republic and 1% for France, Poland and Bulgaria. Production is forecast to remain static in the remaining producing countries, subject to further capacity expansion.

BIS Shrapnel senior manager and report author Bernie Neufeld believes the market will become less concentrated in the next five years, with three new players starting production – DOK Kalevala, a UPM/Speza joint venture in Russia and Alprom in Romania.