The mill is one of G&R’s key upper gulf shippers and, said managing director Ian Robinson, is renowned for the calibre of its timber.

"They’re based about 71km north of the Arctic Circle – I don’t know of a mill much further north than that- so the timber is very slow grown and very high quality indeed," he said.

K&L, which produces 70,000m3 of timber a year, 80% in redwood, has been one of G&R’s shippers for 12 years and, said Mr Robinson, knows the UK well.

"Their sales manager Krister Liminka likes to visit the customer, and they come over around four times a year," he said. "K&L specialise, in particular, in matching their product to the precise requirements of the buyer; so might advise them to take unsorted plus a fifth, or a fifth and sixth, to meet their precise specification."

G&R was expecting importers from across the south to attend the Shoreham event, which was hosted by the company’s Lawrence Webster, Dexter Pereira and Keith Chilvers, and Mr Liminka.