The new e-Customs Services portal has been developed by SGS in response to the increasing complexities of trading internationally and the constant evolution of customs legislation and regulations. Designed to support those involved in global commerce, including transporters, forwarders, exporters and importers, SGS says the website brings together all the services, advice, resources and support needed to create a faster, cheaper way to speed cargo through border crossings, ports and beyond. 

The new website brings together information, news and resources for the following customs procedures: Customs transit and guarantee; import and export declarations; process automation; VAT services and fiscal representation and origin services.

Users benefit from online access to:

  • Brokerage services – with easy access to a suite of customs related services such as export, import, representation, VAT services, certificate of origin, and fiscal representation in several EU states
  • Multinational coverage customs guarantees – enabling clients to submit transit declarations from 25 NCTS and non-NCTS countries through a single application. The multilingual application embeds all national rules so that clients can create their transit declarations themselves and monitor them from departure to termination
  • 24/7 support – a team of over 300 customs and logistics experts available to troubleshoot and advise on all matters connected to an organization’s e-Customs services related declarations

The portal features TransitNet, SGS’s unique multinational full transit e-service that allows users to easily manage their customs transit requirements for road, rail, Ro-Ro and barge transportation across 25 European countries without having to buy software, apply for a customs guarantee or have an in-house customs expert. 

This multimodal service enables users to:

  • Monitor shipments under customs, end to end. For goods outside of the EU, SGS draws up export declarations processed in the export control system (ECS) to prevent any additional tax assessments
  • Reduce waiting times at departure, border and arrival locations as SGS acts as an authorised consignor to ensure that transporters can cross borders efficiently
  • Save time and money by using a web-based application to create, submit and monitor transit declarations to the point they arrive at their destination and the declaration has been discharged

The new portal also includes access to SGS’s consultancy services to help users navigate customs post-Brexit. Whether a business is experienced in following customs procedures or this is a completely new process, SGS has the systems in place to help companies in the UK, EU and the rest of the world successfully navigate the changes that Brexit has introduced.