Timber frame companies can learn how to benefit from the government’s £30bn Building Schools for the Future programme at a construction industry conference organised by the BRE on March 3.

The programme – described as the greatest schools renewal programme in British history – aims to rebuild or refurbish every secondary school in England over the next 15 years.

The BRE conference will address the hard construction issues involved and look at how the programme works, the lessons learned from those already involved in it, and accessing the funding and financial implications.

UK Timber Frame Association chief executive Bryan Woodley said: “It’s an area where there are quite a lot of opportunities for timber frame. We are already building various extensions and schools.

“The main advantage of timber frame is speed of build. It gives an opportunity to build from when the students go home at the beginning of the summer holidays, so they can return in the new term to a new school.”

Mr Woodley said he would like to see a competition held to demonstrate this, which would require industry backing.

The conference will feature speakers from the Department of Education and Skills and Partnerships for Schools, who will describe the progress and priorities of the Building Schools for the Future programme, while local education authorities will present their flagship schemes.

The latest developments in modern construction methods will be showcased and an architect will show how innovative design can transform the educational environment.