In a bid to increase sales the UK operations of Scaninge Timber at Warrington and SCA Timber UK at Scunthorpe have joined forces.

Led by Rob Simpson as managing director, the com-panies will trade under the name SCA Timber UK. There have been no redundancies and the team will stay much the same.

The move follows the establishment of a joint marketing organisation by the companies in Sweden (TTJ November 10) to tackle international markets.

Jeanette Driscoll, previously financial director at SCA Timber UK, has been appointed financial director and Stephen King has become the national sales manager, running a five-strong sales team from the two operations.

Mr Simpson, who now heads 47 staff across the two sites, has played a major role in the positioning of the new entity in the UK and within Swedish SCA/Scaninge operations.

‘Both companies bring a great deal of experience to the table. Combining our efforts obviously makes sense if we’re to increase sales still further,’ said Mr Simpson.

‘We now have the best of both companies’ production and sales operations under one umbrella, with the power of SCA’s brand for marketing and its enlarged forest base of 2.5 million ha for supply. I’m confident that we’re placing a more focused organisation with a wider offering at the service of all our customers.’

Anders Ek, who heads up the joint marketing organisation at Bollsta, said the combined resources would speed up development of products and services.