Concerns have been raised over the potential use of red louro cladding for the Aquatics Centre at the 2012 Olympic Games.

BBC London News last night reported architect Zaha Hadid wanted to use the South American hardwood for use in the wave-like steel frame roof, which will be clad in timber.

The report raises issues of red louro’s suitability for use in a swimming pool environment and its availability.

John Vincent, chairman at cladding specialist Vincent Timber, which imports red louro, said it was too early to be commenting on the material as it had not been chosen yet but suggested that supplies would not be an issue as “with enough time and planning, anything is possible”.

The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) confirmed to TTJ that no decision has been made on the cladding timber yet and it would be working to ensure the right material is chosen.

“We will spend the next six months to a year testing materials before installation goes ahead in two years,” said an ODA spokesperson.