Ecobuild has reported record attendance at this year’s show and committed to repeating its successful Timber Works section in 2010.

David Wood, managing director of exhibition organisers International Business Events, said that total visitor numbers over the three days of the sustainable construction event at the start of the month was 34,000. This was 4,000 ahead of its target, and a 30% jump on 2008. Stand numbers were up from 500 to 800

“Even more important than the numbers was the mood at the show,” he said. “Obviously, no-one was pretending that business is easy, but there was definitely a positive atmosphere. It highlighted that sustainable construction and the issues surrounding it have clearly not dropped off the agenda. It was a real fillip for the future.”

The inaugural Timber Works, the section of the show dedicated to timber and wood products and timber build systems, proved a draw for both visitors and exhibitors.

“We’re yet to have any feedback less than highly positive,” said Mr Wood. “We were very pleased to introduce this part of the show this year and will definitely be repeating it in 2010.”

A full report on Ecobuild and the timber industry’s participation in the show will appear in this week’s TTJ.