A reorganisation of brands within the Performance Window Group constitutes a “dynamic” step towards building a substantial fenestration group in the UK, the company has said.

The move will see all PWG group brands – Mumford & Wood, TimberWindows.com, Dale Windows and Clearwood (UK) – operate as part of one business – PWG – with a sales and marketing team supporting each brand by providing focus in their respective markets.

Investment in the Essex-based factories is also being stepped up to match the expected sales growth from the exposure of the Mumford & Wood brand in the wider UK market.

PWG will establish its headquarters in Tiptree, Essex and will strengthen teams in central services at this location.

The move follows intensive development of systems to provide on-line product configuration and pricing, applied to bespoke high quality timber windows and doors products.

These new tools already exist and are deployed in the Timberwindows.com, Dale Windows and The English Glasshouse brands and will be used for the Mumford & Wood brand in order to simplify and provide “industry leading” delivery lead times.

For more on this story see the next issue of TTJ