The SEM team is comprised of over 45 students specialising in various engineering disciplines, including electronic and electrical, automatic, controls and systems, mechanical, aerospace, material science, and mechatronics and robotics.

The financial support provided by Prowood will enable the SEM team to manufacture the vehicle and compete in the prestigious Shell Eco Marathon.

"We are very pleased to lend our support to Sheffield Eco Motorsport in its pursuit of engineering excellence and sustainable innovation,” said Phil Lomas, managing director at Prowood.

“As a responsible business, the SEM project aligns perfectly with our commitment to promoting sustainability and helping the next generation develop the skills and ambition to be the best they can be.

“We look forward to seeing the finished vehicle and wish the entire team the very best of luck for the Shell Eco Marathon."

The Shell Eco Marathon is a globally recognised competition that challenges participants to create the most energy-efficient battery electric vehicles. Competitors aim to complete a specified number of laps within a certain time frame while using the least amount of energy possible.