Officials from Defra, the Central Point of Expertise on Timber (CPET), NGOs and industry have discussed a report which highlights local authorities’ lack of action in setting up timber procurement policies.

The Defra commissioned study, carried out by Chatham House expert Duncan Brack, found that only two of 12 councils examined in Yorkshire and Humberside had full timber procurement policies, while four had partial ones.

The recent stakeholder meeting discussed the report’s findings and it is understood that the government has a strong desire to encourage local authorities to do more.

Mr Brack said he was not surprised by his findings but expressed disappointment.

“A lot of authorities do not have the staff to deal with it. They are more concerned about recycling and climate change than timber procurement.”

The report found knowledge of CPET was low, with only one council out of the 12 having heard of it.

Leeds council suggested that the majority of local authorities across the country had no or limited knowledge of central government’s flagship timber procurement policy.

Report recommendations include councils being compelled to adopt timber procurement policies, the offering of rewards and incentives, plus holding CPET workshops.